Tuesday, 28 July 2015


morton grove ac service

You know how it is when it gets hot around here, when the temperature approaches the century mark and you seek the relief of air conditioning. For the most part temperatures in the summer average 80 degrees, according to NOAA, but during the hot months that begin in May and end in August temperatures approaching 100 degrees are certainly possible.

Heat, however, may not be the major problem. That would more accurately be the humidity. Because we are adjacent to Lake Michigan the humidity is the killer. Even in the dead of winter humidity readings of 45 to 50% are not unusual, climbing into the high 80s in the summertime. Occasionally the humidity approaches 100% and Chicago is subjected to extraordinary rainfalls. We have an average of 124 inches of rain annually according to the NOAA National Climatic Data Center.

It would be nice if we could install air conditioning equipment that would run forever, but realistically an air conditioner is a machine and like all machines it tends to break down occasionally. While it may not be the case it certainly seems that it always breaks down when it’s hottest or the humidity is the highest. When it doesn’t work, you need it fixed now! The next thing you know you’ll be calling for AC service. We think you should call Brilliant Electric Heating and Cooling. Brilliant is available 24/7 with same day service and we’ll be there when we tell you we’ll be there.
Brilliant has the expertise to service all brands, makes, and models of air conditioning systems. We’ve been in business for 56 years, working around the clockto meet your air conditioning needs. We’ll arrange a free estimate to allow you to evaluate our services. Brilliant Electric Heating and Cooling offers great and affordable services, we are competitive. The best news is that the price we quote to you will be the price we charge.Thenwe’ll top that off with a written guarantee.

Brilliant offers a complete line of Trane and Mitsubishi air conditioning units.These are “smart” devices with energy efficient technology designed to lower power consumption and therefore your energy costs. Couple thatwith a programmable thermostat and you have the best comfort control available today. These are installed and maintained by an extensively trained staff that knows what to do when something malfunctions.

We tend to think of air conditioning as strictly cooling. Today cooling and heating is done in multifunction units that require thorough knowledge for maintenance. Conditioned air however is far more than temperature control,it also involves air handlers and Brilliant is Chicago’s premier air handling distributor. An air handler works with your heating and cooling systems to distribute warmed or cooled air, and humidity controlledair throughout your house.

Brilliant’s desire for your home or business is equipment efficiency that will result in savings on the costs of conditioning the air. To that end, we can installor provide AC service on any number of units.

In addition to the above, Brilliant can install and maintain CleanEffects air cleaners capable of removing up to 99.98% of the allergens from the air inside your home. It filters and traps particles as small as .1 micron and decreases the dust in your home by 50%.

Then there are times when the humidity is just too low and much too dry, particularly in the wintertime when the heat is running. The Trane Humidifier from Brilliant adds the moisture necessary for comfortable living.However, it isn’t just for your comfort alone, morton grove ac service dry air can damage your home causing woodwork to crack and putting “static cling” into your clothes. In an era where so much electronic gear is being used in the home, there is a danger in low humidity of drawing static electricity charges. A whole-house humidifier added to your heating and cooling system, fixes the problem.

Brilliant Electric Heating and Cooling is fully licensed and insured. We offer sameday emergency electrical, heating, and air conditioning service for both residential and commercial units. lincolnwood air conditioner repair Call us at 847-588-2533.Brilliant serves Chicagoland from the city and from north, south, and west suburbs.

For More Information About : glenview hvac contractor

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Wednesday, 1 July 2015


morton grove ac service

HVAC, of course, stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. In the simplest of terms, the idea is to massage the air in your home or office building to provide comfort to the people and to do so with concern for efficiency and lowest possible cost. To do this requires concern for removal of particulates in the air and the ability to adjust the humidity in the building. To do this successfully requires a contracting firm with great experience in the Morton Grove area of Chicagoland.

Protection of your property isn’t simply the addition of some thermostat controlled equipment, though a complete heating and cooling system is certain a part. Before the installation process begins, however, know that the best possible situation will also involve the enclosure—the building itself.

The HVAC Contractor’s Tasks

When a HVAC contractor enters the picture, there are a number of things that contractor must consider, such as:

•    The insulation that is to be installed (or which may already be a part of an existing building)

•    The air sealing (how restricted the airflow will be internally)

•    The location of openings for doors and windows (also known as fenestration)

•    The existence of thermal bridges (places where the insulation is broken or the internal materials have varying heat conductivity)

In technical terms, the HVAC system for any given building must be engineered for that building. The equipment may be relatively standard, but its application must be tailored to the specific location.

Installation of HVAC systems is paramount. Questions must be answered, such as where the equipment will be located, how the piping will be arranged, how the ductwork will be constructed, and how the airflow will be arranged. Because it is a system, it must be operated in a loop—that means that in any given building there is a defined volume, and as newly introduced (and conditioned) air is introduced, spent (used) air must be evacuated. Therefore, the installation of a complete HVAC system must consider:

•    The fully engineered design to fit the building in its entirety

•    The installation by licensed, insured, and quality HVAC contractor

•    The installation of fresh air and exhaust systems that complement the heating and cooling equipment.

Water Cooling

The process is a little different for a business that wishes to use water management. Here a complete water management system must be designed for the site, and equipment must be installed giving consideration to the foundation, walls, and roof. In that instance, it will probably be new construction, and those considerations must be a part of the design of the building from the inception of the project.

A Highly Qualified HVAC Contractor is Available in Morton Grove

While the list given above is brief, the tasks themselves are complex. You’re after not only temperature adjustment, but also the ability to condition the air where you work or live. To do so requires a glenview hvac contractor with knowledge of the area and lengthy experience. That capability exists in Morton Grove.

For More Info About :skokie air conditioner repair